Six Months of CARES Act Spending
February 22, 2021

College Access and Success for Incarcerated Students in California
February 18, 2021

Refocusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion During the Pandemic and Beyond: Lessons from a Community of Practice
As the pandemic continues exacerbating the effects of structural barriers that communities of color face in our country, now is the time to commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion work and make a true difference in the lives of our students and campus communities. Auburn’s Taffye Benson Clayton writes about the work of ACE’s community of practice on DEI.
January 13, 2021

A Precipitous Drop in Immediate College Enrollment
December 14, 2020

Community College Student Enrollment Declines Due to Pandemic
December 11, 2020

New Report Advocates for Equity-Based Higher Ed Funding
November 30, 2020

Higher Education’s Challenge: Disability Inclusion on Campus
When developing a culture of inclusion, colleges and universities have specific responsibilities to students with disabilities to ensure they can learn and achieve their goals.
October 19, 2020

Data Limitations Inhibit Support for AAPI Students
October 9, 2020

Prisoner Education Programs: Readiness Over Recidivism
October 2, 2020

Centering Equity in Student Mental Health Task Forces: Lessons Learned From the University of Michigan
Based on their work with the University of Michigan’s Rackham Graduate School Task Force on Graduate Student Mental Health, Sara Abelson, Meghan Duffy, and Janelle Goodwill identify eight ways that university mental health task forces can center equity in their work.
September 21, 2020