Addressing STEM Culture and Climate to Increase Diversity in STEM Disciplines
Despite millions of dollars in science diversity programs designed to shift patterns of representation in the STEM fields, minoritized populations continue to be underrepresented. The University of Maryland’s Kimberly Griffin looks at the need to attend to both STEM culture and institutional climate to cultivate more inclusive learning environments and increase diversity.
April 23, 2018

A New Accountability for Broadening Participation in STEM
Developing an appropriate accountability system for broadening participation is crucial to achieving a STEM workforce that reflects the diversity of the American population. Colleges and universities, on the front line of STEM research and education, must lead the way.
May 22, 2017
Texas State University’s Boots to Roots Program Brings STEM Degrees to Vets
Texas State University wants to provide potential student veterans with some answers, and help ease a shortage of qualified candidates for a number of jobs in the agricultural sciences field at the same time. So it is assisting female and Hispanic military veterans earn bachelor’s degrees in agriculture and STEM fields through a new program called Boots and Roots.
December 9, 2015
HBCUs Investing in STEM Careers
Several HBCUS are getting an extra boost encouraging careers in STEM fields thanks to a unique new partnership with Google. Designed to diversify the STEM workforce and bring students out west to the hubs of innovation in Silicon Valley, Google software engineers spend the semester on a campus to mentor and teach students and advise the institutions on the curriculum.
May 22, 2015

Where Are the Women in STEM?
From decades of widely reported and debated research, we know that women have been enrolling in and graduating from college in greater numbers than men since the 1980s. But there is one area where the increased presence of women is notably missing—the so-called STEM fields: with the greatest disparities occurring in the important fields of engineering and computer science.
March 3, 2015
The Times Takes on STEM. What Can Higher Ed Do?
The New York Times editorial board recently took on the issue of diversity—or the lack thereof—in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as part of a larger education series. So What role should higher education play in broadening STEM participation?
December 19, 2013