Topic: policy & research


Students studying outside

Four Misconceptions About International Students in the U.S.

Policies and practices that make international students and scholars feel unwelcome are just part of the problem for this population during stressful times. Another is the myths such policies that reinforce a generally unwelcoming climate in this country, write Haelim Chun and Jung Hyun Choi.

August 11, 2020

Department of Education Should Not Leave Needy Students Out in the Cold in Midst of a Pandemic

The Trump administration has rejected the opportunity to do the right thing by all students in distributing CARES Act emergency grants. We must hope that Congress does not allow them to do it again.

July 13, 2020

Department of Education’s Final Section 117 Information Collection Request Continues to Overstep Statutory Authority

The Education Department has chosen to dismiss the higher education community’s previously expressed concerns about the new reporting requirements for foreign gifts and contracts, releasing a new reporting portal on June 22. The first deadline under the new system is July 31.

June 25, 2020