As the new president takes office, it’s reasonable to assess the Obama administration’s higher education record and to ask what its legacy will be and how long it will last. In a preview of the Winter 2016 edition of The Presidency, ACE Senior Vice President Terry W. Hartle outlines five fundamental ways federal higher education policy has changed over the last eight years.
October 27, 2016

The Accountability Movement, College Choice and the Importance of Place
For many students, the decision of whether to attend college, let alone which college, is likely determined more by where they live than by graduation rates, programs offered or even salary after completion. ACE’s Jonathan Turk and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Nicholas Hillman discuss the importance of “place” when addressing college choice process and policy.
June 1, 2016

FAFSA Simplification: Harder Than It Seems
Making it easy for students and families to apply for federal student aid is a little like the Holy Grail—universally sought for its extraordinary value, but never found. And the search likely will intensify as Congress works to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, writes Terry Hartle. At issue is the FAFSA, the form that students and families must fill out to get federal student aid.
July 20, 2015

Mapping New Pathways for Native Youth
While 208,838 American Indian and Alaska Native students were enrolled in college in 2012—a 17 percent increase from 2004—46 percent are first-generation and low-income, a population that often struggles with college completion. As the White House gears up for the first Tribal Youth Gathering, Christine Nelson looks at efforts to expand higher education opportunities for these students.
May 26, 2015
VIDEO: President Obama Announces Free Community College Plan
January 9, 2015

Dear Colleague…
Sexual assault at colleges and universities is a serious problem. Protecting students is paramount to the mission of all institutions, and we know that sometimes we fail. But to help achieve real change, the federal government must partner with the higher education community on a single, clear set of federal requirements in this area.
August 18, 2014