

West Chester University Opens Doors to Students With Intellectual Disabilities

West Chester University (PA) is launching a pilot program this fall for students with intellectual disabilities to pursue a full college experience. The Real Achievement Matters (RAM) initiative will provide the opportunity for students to learn, live, and interact with others on campus, while supporting and accommodating their needs.

July 17, 2018

Why We Should Partner with Students to Address Campus Mental Health

Students know students, says Laura Horne, director of programs for Active Minds. Engaging them as equal partners in improving mental health on campus can make all the difference.

July 16, 2018

Students walking on campus at Tulane University

Want to Be a Really Effective Trustee?

Scott Cowen, president emeritus of Tulane University, gives some candid advice on what it takes to serve on a university governing board.

July 11, 2018

Enhancing the Quality of the International Student Experience

What can colleges and universities do to counteract the message that the United States is no longer a welcoming environment for international students and scholars? Some institutions are finding success in thinking more holistically about the entire international student experience, from initial contact through alumni status.

July 2, 2018

Climate, Mentoring, and Persistence Among Underrepresented STEM Doctoral Students

To ensure true equity and success for underrepresented students in STEM, institutional efforts to increase demographic diversity through recruitment must be accompanied by the creation of an inclusive environment where students can thrive.

June 25, 2018

HMDP Closing Ceremony

ASU Connects to Hispanic Students Through Mother-Daughter Program

Arizona State University created the Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program, an early-outreach program for middle and high school students, in 1984 knowing that one of the best ways to encourage young Latinas and other first-generation students to pursue college was to involve the family.

June 25, 2018

Higher Education for the Nation’s Future

ACE President Ted Mitchell introduces the Council’s new Strategic Framework, which will underpin the organization for the next three years and help chart a successful course for the future of higher education.

June 20, 2018

Better Together: Higher Education and the Federal Government Explore Evidence for the Value of College Degrees

In 2017, The University of Texas System entered into a 10-year partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau to create a pathway for higher education institutions and state education authorities to access critical data needed to show the value of a college degree. The result was seekUT, a web tool that provides students and families an easy way to see salaries of graduates by program of study compared to student debt.

June 19, 2018

Disconnections Between Research and Practice in STEM Education

An overarching goal of STEM education research is to identify how to improve STEM learning environments through the lenses of education and social science. To make this work most effectively, this research needs to be shared with individuals directly involved in teaching or managing STEM courses. Ahlam Lee of Xavier University discusses how to make this happen.

June 13, 2018

UNC Chapel Hill Professor Uses Inclusive Teaching to Make Class More Fair

A University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill professor redesigned her class to help close achievement gaps between minority students and white students as well as first-generation students and continuing-generation students. Her method, inclusive teaching, was recently featured by The Chronicle of Higher Education and is taking off among her Chapel Hill colleagues and beyond.

June 11, 2018

It Doesn’t Always Get Better for Queer-Spectrum and Trans-Spectrum College Students

Many queer-spectrum and trans-spectrum students continue to navigate stigma, peer aggression, and exclusion well into their college years. Researchers are beginning to capture their experiences, which could help lead the way to change.

June 6, 2018

ACE at 100: Advocating for Women in Higher Education

Throughout its history, ACE has worked to support the inclusion of women in all aspects of higher education. From advocating women’s right to work in the 1920s to creating a pipeline to higher education leadership positions in recent years, ACE has spearheaded a number of initiatives focused on women and their success.

June 4, 2018