Let’s Talk About Race: An Interview With ACE President Ted Mitchell
The Let’s Talk About Race interview series captures the voices of prominent higher education scholars and leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences on race and ethnicity in higher education. Read the latest conversation with ACE President Ted Mitchell.
May 4, 2020

Essential Partners: Chief Academic Officers and Chief Financial Officers
The latest post in the ACAO series shares perspectives of two chief academic officers—one from a public institution in the Midwest with 12,700 students, the other from a private university in New England with 7,000 students. The topic is the CAO’s working relationship with arguably the most important fellow vice president on campus—the chief financial officer.
April 24, 2020

Survival to Transformation: Navigating Fiscal Distress During COVID-19
The challenge ahead for higher education is unprecedented, and the typical solutions won’t sustain our institutions. If we can’t go back to what we used to be before COVID-19, we must instead evolve to something better, writes Philip Rogers.
April 23, 2020

Let’s Talk About Race: An Interview With Thuy Thi Nguyen
The Let’s Talk About Race interview series captures the voices of prominent higher education scholars and leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences on race and ethnicity in higher education. Read the latest conversation with Thuy Thi Nguyen, president of Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, California.
April 13, 2020

Entrepreneurial Mindset as a Marketable Skill
Austin Community College wants its students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset as a marketable skill, regardless of their program of choice. ACC Provost Charles M. Cook discusses how the college makes that happen in a new post from the Association of Chief Academic Officers.
February 7, 2020

Let’s Talk About Race: An Interview With Damian Fernandez
The Let’s Talk About Race interview series captures the voices of prominent higher education scholars and leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences on race and ethnicity in higher education. Read the latest conversation with Damian Fernandez, the Albert and Suzanne Lord Chancellor of Penn State Abington.
February 3, 2020

Pathways to Community College Transformation
The hurdles for community college students who are first-generation, low-income, and members of other underrepresented groups are often formidable. One model that over 300 community colleges have embraced to support these students is Guided Pathways. ACE Fellow Suzanne Wilson Summers takes a look.
January 24, 2020

Let’s Talk About Race: An Interview With Kevin McDonald
The Let’s Talk About Race interview series captures the voices of prominent higher education scholars and leaders as they share their perspectives and experiences on race and ethnicity in higher education. Read the latest conversation with Kevin McDonald, vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion at the University of Virginia.
January 21, 2020

Celebrating the Mavericks: Innovation and Higher Education
While higher education in the 21st century faces a number of challenges, there are a number of innovators changing the sector in a classic American way. Andrew Shean, chief academic officer at National University System Online, looks at five that are leading the way.
January 6, 2020

Don’t Call it a Scandal
As provost, what is your role during during times of crisis on campus? Gail F. Baker, provost at the University of San Diego, considers this question in the latest post from the Association of Chief Academic Officers.
December 2, 2019
The 5 Percent: Action Steps for Institutions Investing in Women of Color
The face of the college presidency has changed in recent years, moving slowly away from the monolithic profile of the past (White men over the age of 60) to something more representative of the face of colleges and universities themselves.
October 21, 2019