Do Institutions Really Know What Is Going on With Their Students’ Mental Health?
A number of studies, articles and blog posts in recent years have hinted that campuses are figuratively hanging off of a mental health cliff. Kate Wolfe-Lyga and Marcus Hotaling write that while numerous factors that have likely contributed to this increase in need, the main concern is whether colleges and universities have the capacity to support their students’ mental health.
June 28, 2021

The Advantages of Being a New President in a Virtual World
Cathy Sandeen joined Cal State East Bay as president in the middle of the pandemic. To her surprise, virtual leadership has had unmistakable upsides.
June 2, 2021

Shared Equity Leadership: Transforming Campus Communities Is a Collective Responsibility
Shared equity leadership can help dismantle the systems that perpetuate inequities by drawing upon the strengths of a range of campus stakeholders rather than the perspective of a single leader.
May 24, 2021

Rethinking the Academy: Lessons From Higher Ed’s Response to Equity Concerns During COVID-19
With vaccines now available and campuses preparing for a return to “normal,” higher education leaders must ask what we have learned about our institutions’ capacity for change and how we will incorporate that learning into a post-COVID future, not just in terms of teaching and learning but also in considering equity and inclusion.
May 24, 2021

Examining HR Hiring Practices for LGBTQ+ Professionals at Community Colleges
Research shows that students are more likely to persist and complete when they see themselves reflected in faculty, staff, and leadership on campus. How can we ensure that diversity in leadership extends to LGBTQ+ professionals, particularly at community colleges?
May 3, 2021

Integrative Leadership Practices in Today’s World
March 29, 2021

Refocusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion During the Pandemic and Beyond: Lessons from a Community of Practice
As the pandemic continues exacerbating the effects of structural barriers that communities of color face in our country, now is the time to commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion work and make a true difference in the lives of our students and campus communities. Auburn’s Taffye Benson Clayton writes about the work of ACE’s community of practice on DEI.
January 13, 2021

On Scandal, Trust, and the Role of College Presidents in Times of Crisis
ACE partnered with researchers from the USC Rossier School of Education to field a national survey of college and university presidents to better understand their viewpoints on college admissions and public trust in higher education. Read the survey results along with some equity-focused strategies that could strengthen the process.
October 28, 2020

Maximizing Your Dean Team
Creating a team that can effectively work together is key to the success of the entire academic enterprise. Read advice on how to manage that process from retired CAOs Michael A. Gealt and B.J. Reed.
October 20, 2020