Minority Serving Institutions Perform Better Than Federal Graduation Rates Suggest
A new report out from ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy aims to provide a more complete picture of the contributions MSIs make to the higher education landscape and the communities in which they reside. The upshot: Ensuring the success of students of color requires further investment in the very institutions that educate them.
July 26, 2017

From Admission to Graduation: Fulfilling the Promise of Higher Education
How does higher education close the attainment gap and assure value for the communities that we serve? With the growing need for more college-educated adults—and the need and public demand for more affordable routes to college—transitional programs appear to be a key strategy, writes Webster University President Beth Stroble. But no single strategy is likely to address the complexities of the situation.
June 26, 2017

Beyond Graduation Rates: Why the Data Matter—and Why They Don’t
Carol Anderson and Patricia O’Brien of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education in New England discuss the Graduation Rate Information Project, an initiative to address low graduation rates at the institutions their organization accredits.
June 5, 2017

The Potential of Degree Reclamation
May 23, 2017

Equity Attainment Gaps Growing in Most States
May 3, 2017

Reducing Barriers to Transfer for Community College Students
While access to a high-quality and affordable college education is essential, access means little if students are unable to meet their educational goals once they arrive, writes Jon Turk. A new brief from ACE and Hobsons explores upward transfer—the movement from a community college to a four-year institution—for students who matriculate soon after high school.
May 1, 2017

Goodwin College MOVE and WISE Students Find Success, Empowerment
A pair of programs at Goodwin College aim to support the academic and personal success of young men and women from disadvantaged backgrounds. MOVE and WISE are committed to empowering students with a sense of belonging and ownership while encouraging them to engage in enrichment opportunities, develop a sense of shared learning and pursue opportunities for personal growth.
March 8, 2017

Undergraduate Degree Earners Report, 2015-16
February 11, 2017
CUNY to Bolster Community College Graduation Rates
The City University of New York has announced a groundbreaking partnership with New York City to significantly increase graduation rates at its community colleges. CUNY will scale-up its already successful Accelerated Study in Associate Programs, with plans to grow the program from 4,000 to 25,000 students over the next three years and raise the graduation rate to 34 percent by 2025.
October 21, 2015
Sinclair Community College Making Strides Toward Completion
Over the past 15 years, Sinclair Community College has committed to increasing completion rates and improving student success. Through a series of campus-wide initiatives, including making student orientation mandatory, workforce connections, K-12 partnerships, and streamlining student support services, Sinclair has increased its 5-year graduation by 75 percent since 1999.
August 12, 2015
From Access to Graduation: Supporting Post-9/11 Undergraduate Student Veterans
Given the huge investment in veterans’ postsecondary education represented by the Post-9/11 GI Bill, one could argue that veterans who use this generous benefit are in a good position to enroll in college and ultimately earn a postsecondary certificate or degree. And some do. But for veterans who didn’t finish college, what were the barriers to their success?
November 10, 2014