

Boise State Among Institutions Honored as a “Model of Efficiency”

University Business magazine recently honored Boise State University (ID) for implementing an innovative solution to students’ printing troubles. The award is part of the publication’s “Models of Efficiency” program, which recognizes work by colleges and universities to enact “effective and successful solutions” on campus.

December 5, 2013

Now What? Some Insights From OECD’s Adult Skills Survey

We’re not learning only in the classroom anymore—and maybe we never were. A new Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report shows that throughout the world, the workplace is a critical learning environment. The question is, what does that mean for educational policy and adult learners?

December 3, 2013

A MOOC by Any Other Name? An Online Course

“I’d aspired to give people a profound education—to teach them something substantial…but the data was at odds with this idea,” declared Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Silicon Valley MOOC platform Udacity in a recent Fast Company article. But if you have been tracking Thrun’s work over the past year, you will see his statement as nothing terribly new, writes Cathy Sandeen.

November 25, 2013

Auburn Architecture Students Want to Bring $20,000 House to the Entire Country

Rural Studio, an undergraduate program at Auburn University, gives students the opportunity to put their architecture skills to the test in some of west Alabama’s most underserved and poverty-stricken counties. 

November 19, 2013

When the “Cure-All” for Creating a Global Campus Isn’t

Higher education leaders too often look to the recruitment of students from abroad as the single cure-all to create an internationalized campus. While that is one of several steps institutions can take, it’s not enough on its own. By only recruiting students from abroad, institutions are missing a vital part of campus internationalization: The experiences and preparation of U.S. students.

November 19, 2013

University of Toledo Providing Resources to Ensure Student Veterans’ Academic Success

In honor of Veterans’ Day Monday, we are highlighting one of the institutions doing exemplary work to assist veterans making the transition from the military to higher education. At the University of Toledo’s (OH) Military Service Center, staff members work with student veterans to develop an individualized course of action designed to meet their needs and encourage academic success.

November 8, 2013

Higher Education Has Changed. Will the Higher Education Act?

The perennial joke about any reauthorization of the Higher Education Act (HEA) is that it’s like a Russian novel: It’s long, it’s boring, and by the end, everyone winds up dead. But as yet another HEA reauthorization rolls around, it’s a good bet that many of us will think there’s a fair amount of truth in that old chestnut, writes ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle.

October 18, 2013

Obamacare: Cal State’s Model Outreach Program

Libby Nelson has a great story this morning in Politico on the Cal State University System’s push to inform their nearly half-million student body about their health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The initiative is led by Walter Zelman, chairman of the Department of Health Science Cal State Los Angeles and former health policy adviser in the Clinton administration.

October 8, 2013