

Recruiting Student Veterans at Cornell: True to Our Founding Principles

Currently, fewer than two out of every 1,000 undergraduate students enrolled in Ivy League colleges have served in the U.S. military. Cornell Provost Michael I. Kotlikoff on how—and why—the university is attempting to quadruple its enrollment of undergraduate veterans by 2020.

July 5, 2017

Goodwin College: Inspiring a Call for Community-Based Education

When Goodwin College moved to its present location in East Hartford, Connecticut, the university committed philosophically to creating something new to the region: a community-based educational organization that would become a vital part of the daily life of the town. Goodwin President Mark Scheinberg explains how that is working out.

June 28, 2017

From Admission to Graduation: Fulfilling the Promise of Higher Education

How does higher education close the attainment gap and assure value for the communities that we serve? With the growing need for more college-educated adults—and the need and public demand for more affordable routes to college—transitional programs appear to be a key strategy, writes Webster University President Beth Stroble. But no single strategy is likely to address the complexities of the situation.

June 26, 2017

Geography and College Attainment: A Place-Based Approach

Place is an influential determinant of college opportunity and success. But geography should not be destiny. States and higher education institutions should adopt policies and practices that recognize place-based disadvantage, according to Roman Ruiz and Laura W. Perna of the University of Pennsylvania.

June 19, 2017

ACE Member Institutions Providing Prisoners With Pathway to Higher Education

Two ACE members are among the higher education institutions making it easier for prisoners and the formerly incarcerated to earn undergraduate degrees, which in turn makes it easier for them to reintegrate into society.

June 14, 2017

Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois

Building Family-Friendly Campuses: Strategies to Promote College Success Among Student Parents

While the share of parents enrolled in college has been steadily growing—according to the most recent data, the proportion of students with dependent children has increased 30 percent from 2004-12—the share of parenting students who complete college remains low. Melanie Kruvelis of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research looks at steps institutions can take to better understand and support students with families.

June 12, 2017

Beyond Graduation Rates: Why the Data Matter—and Why They Don’t

Carol Anderson and Patricia O’Brien of the Commission on Institutions of Higher Education in New England discuss the Graduation Rate Information Project, an initiative to address low graduation rates at the institutions their organization accredits.

June 5, 2017

Food Is a Basic Need: Dealing With Hunger on College Campuses

Wick Sloane writes that more data is needed on the issue of campus hunger before a comprehensive solution can be advanced—and on that score, an upcoming study from Government Accountability Office is a welcome development. This is the second post in a new series, Beyond the Margins: Meeting the Needs of Underserved Students.

May 31, 2017

ACE at 100: Lifting Nontraditional Learners to Postsecondary Success

Helping more Americans gain access to and graduate from college has been a large part of ACE’s mission ever since the Council was formed in 1918 to help soldiers returning from World War I gain a college degree. And it continues to play a central role today, as we prepare to celebrate our centennial.

May 26, 2017

chairs in a classroom

From Goucher College President José Bowen: Using Feedback From Students to Improve Your Teaching

José Bowen, president of Goucher College (MD), says encouraging his college instructors to take risks is crucial to promote a culture of teaching on campus. Dr. Bowen recently spoke with the Association of College and University Educator about how instructors can use student feedback to improve their teaching, a topic he discusses in depth as a subject matter expert for ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices.

May 24, 2017

A New Accountability for Broadening Participation in STEM

Developing an appropriate accountability system for broadening participation is crucial to achieving a STEM workforce that reflects the diversity of the American population. Colleges and universities, on the front line of STEM research and education, must lead the way.

May 22, 2017

On Being Provincial and Global: International Education at American Comprehensive Regional Universities

If we want to teach more future leaders, members of the workforce, and citizens to engage constructively with the world, they must learn at public regional universities that define themselves by their global engagement, writes Brian Stiegler of Salisbury University.

May 18, 2017