Topic: diversity & inclusion


Salem State University Shrinks Graduation Gap for Latino Students

Salem State University has made it a priority to increase the chances of success for their Latino students, a demographic particularly at risk of not finishing their degrees. Recently recognized by The Education Trust as one of the top-ten performing institutions in this endeavor, Salem State has used a variety of approaches to provide an environment of support and close the achievement gap.

February 28, 2018

CUNY Black Male Initiative Partners With Birthright Africa to Connect Students to Their Heritage

The CUNY Black Male Initiative (BMI), among its many programs that support underrepresented students, has cosponsored a trip with Birthright Africa for students to explore their cultural roots and meet other members of the African diaspora.

February 12, 2018

University of Georgia Alumni Launch 1961 Club to Support Undergraduate Student Scholarships

Members of University of Georgia’s Alumni Association have launched the 1961 Club, a giving campaign to support the institution’s Black Alumni Scholarship Fund, which provides need-based scholarships to freshman students dedicated to advancing racial equality.

February 1, 2018

Understanding Latinx College Student Diversity and Why It Matters

As Latinx postsecondary enrollments increase, understanding this population of students could cultivate more inclusive campus climates that enhance student success.

January 29, 2018

Stop Counting and Start Courting: The Role of a Chief Diversity Officer

Nicole Roach, chief diversity officer at Webster University, writes that you can spend as much money as you want to recruit a more diverse student body and faculty. But if your institution does not practice inclusion at all levels, they will eventually leave for an institution that does.

January 8, 2018

The Evolving Nature of the College Presidency

While rewarding, being a college president has always been hard work. Today, environmental and industry pressures have converged to make leading an institution more complex than ever before. Jonathan Gagliardi looks at ACE’s recent report, the American College President Study 2017, and the future of the presidency in the 21st century.

December 4, 2017

Moving Away From Data Invisibility at Tribal Colleges and Universities

The invisibility of Native American perspectives—those of Native students, researchers and their communities—continues to plague higher education, despite numerous calls for action from educational advocates across the country. Christine Nelson of the University of Denver considers what can be done to solve this problem.

November 20, 2017

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Fostering Familial Learning Environments for Student Success

By embracing expansive ideas of success, HBCU leaders inspire their students to strive beyond degree completion and understand how collaboration, civic engagement, and entre­preneurship are essential attributes in a new knowledge economy and global citizenry.

October 4, 2017

Building Momentum: Lessons Learned and Success Strategies of the Utah State Women’s Network

As in much of the country, Utah is a place where pay equity and leadership opportunities for women have been exceptionally poor. However, the Utah Women in Higher Education Network has helped begin to turn this around on college and university campuses across the state. Jessica Egbert describes UWHEN’s approach.

September 13, 2017