Proposal to Track Teaching Hours of UW Professors Reappears in State Budget
September 13, 2017
Evaluating a Scalable Solution for Enhancing Teaching Practice
There are a variety of ways in which faculty learn, and continue to learn, about teaching. But given the increase in contingent faculty—part-time and full-time non-tenure-track faculty—who now comprise about 75 percent of all college and university instructors, the critical question is, “How do we scale faculty development efforts to reach a greater number of faculty?”
July 10, 2017

From Goucher College President José Bowen: Using Feedback From Students to Improve Your Teaching
José Bowen, president of Goucher College (MD), says encouraging his college instructors to take risks is crucial to promote a culture of teaching on campus. Dr. Bowen recently spoke with the Association of College and University Educator about how instructors can use student feedback to improve their teaching, a topic he discusses in depth as a subject matter expert for ACUE’s Course in Effective Teaching Practices.
May 24, 2017

Seeking Better Student Outcomes? Start With Improving Instructional Quality
As the focus in higher education becomes more concentrated on student outcomes, the impact of instructional quality on student retention, persistence and success rates—and institutional efficiency—has come to the fore.
May 8, 2017