Most Students Hold Less Than $30,000 in Debt
April 12, 2017
Temple University-APLU Completion Grants Will Help Low-Income Students Graduate
A nearly $4 million Department of Education grant will enable Temple University, in collaboration with the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities, to undertake an initiative focused on small-dollar grants to help cash-strapped, low-income students complete their degrees.
February 22, 2017
Between Scylla and Charybdis: Navigating the Cost of College
Even with its long-term benefits understood, the challenges for many households to afford college make it clear that the current model cannot simply continue without strategic innovation, writes Geoffrey Brackett, executive vice president of Marist College.
February 17, 2017
Richmond Joins Effort to Recruit, Graduate More Lower-income Students
The University of Richmond is among the growing number of ACE member institutions participating in the American Talent Initiative, a program dedicated to substantially expanding opportunity and access for low- and moderate-income students. President Ronald Crutcher discusses the importance of committing to the ATI.
January 13, 2017
College Board Releases 2016 Reports on College Pricing, Student Aid
October 26, 2016
The Price We Pay for Bad Data on College Costs
Matthew Soldner of the American Institutes for Research writes about three things senior leaders need to know as they navigate the challenges facing their campuses: institutional spending, and how spending relates to cost and student outcomes. The first post in a series introducing three background papers prepared for a roundtable on financial data in higher education.
April 27, 2016
VIDEO: Exploring Indirect College Costs
August 12, 2015