Topic: attainment & innovation


ACE2017: Leadership in a Changing World

ACE2017, the Council’s 99th Annual Meeting, wrapped up on Tuesday, March 14 in Washington, DC. Along with leadership in a changing world, the meeting also addressed issues related to higher education leadership, equity and social justice, and innovation, and ACE staff have posted blogs covering a selection of these sessions and events. Also included is a selection of videos from ACE2017 plenary sessions.

March 12, 2017

College Promise Programs: Designing Programs to Achieve the Promise

Promise programs have the potential to increase higher education attainment and close persisting gaps, write Laura Perna & Elaine Leigh. But success depends on how the programs are structured, implemented and sustained.

February 13, 2017

Boosting Veterans’ Enrollment at Top Colleges: “No Cap for Your Potential, No Ceiling for Your Success”

Few veterans see attending highly selective private universities as a realistic option. But as Vassar freshman-to-be and veteran Logan Ragsdale writes, there are a multitude of organizations filled with people who have succeeded in making the transition to civilian life and postsecondary education that can help make it happen.

February 13, 2017

Aligning Demographic Shifts and College Participation: Increasing Latino Degree Attainment

Delma Ramos and Morgan Taylor look at the importance of increasing attainment for Latino students, the largest minority group and the second largest racial/ethnic group in the country.

January 25, 2017

Richmond Joins Effort to Recruit, Graduate More Lower-income Students

The University of Richmond is among the growing number of ACE member institutions participating in the American Talent Initiative, a program dedicated to substantially expanding opportunity and access for low- and moderate-income students. President Ronald Crutcher discusses the importance of committing to the ATI.

January 13, 2017

A Path Forward for Faculty in Higher Education

The American higher education system, despite its challenges, remains the envy of the world. But to meet the needs of future students and maintain its vaunted status, U.S. colleges and universities must address a few important dynamics. The TIAA Institute’s Stephanie Bell-Rose looks at the path forward.

December 19, 2016