Course Sharing: Business Models and the Learning Ecosystem in Action
Read the third piece in a series focused on exploring the concept of a postsecondary learning ecosystem—one that includes not only traditional higher education institutions but also alternative providers that connect learners to the labor market.
August 10, 2023

Reimagining Higher Education: A New Campus in Colorado, Open to Everyone
Colorado State Chancellor Tony Frank discusses CSU Spur, a unique public campus in Denver that offers free hands-on learning to people of all ages. The goal: to address disparities in college attendance and success, ignite curiosity in K-12 students, and serve as a hub of innovation.
July 6, 2023

The Power of Data to Promote Equitable Higher Education Pathways
The U.S. higher education landscape consists of over one million credentials offered by more than 60,000 providers. While these options can increase access to postsecondary education, pathways built from a mix of credentials can be confusing. A new report from Credential Engine’s Equity Advisory Council aims to help.
June 12, 2023

Mapping the Ecosystem of Alternative Postsecondary Education Providers
Alternative providers are becoming a significant—if not yet indispensable—part of the U.S. higher education ecosystem. It’s essential to establish a taxonomy that helps colleges and universities make informed choices about how to work with these providers, writes Louis Soares.
March 22, 2023

Addressing College Enrollment Through Academic Preparation
January 30, 2023

Streamlining the Transfer of Credit Process
December 16, 2022

Working Learners and Work Colleges: Innovating at the Intersection of Education and Life
For 72 million American workers without a college degree, blending education, work, and life can unlock high-paying jobs in the knowledge economy. Louis Soares and Vickie Choitz explore how “work colleges” offer a template for supporting these learners.
December 13, 2022