Smith College Replaces Student Loans With Grants, Making Access and Equity a Priority
Beginning in fall 2022, Smith College will replace federal loans with institutional grants for all current and future undergraduates. Smith President Kathleen McCartney explains the three reasons that drove this decision.
October 26, 2021

How Centering Learner Success Helped Us Face a Year in Flux
While launching a new program requires a great deal of thinking and planning, few would have imagined the sudden emergence of the global pandemic that upended all our well laid plans in 2020 and 2021. Fortunately, the inaugural cohort of the ACE Learner Success Lab (LSL) not only pivoted successfully to a virtual environment, but learned to collaborate and thrive.
October 13, 2021

Exposing the Gap: Addressing Funding Disparities for HBCUs
October 6, 2021

Brief Highlights Value of Building Multifaceted Student Support Programs
September 29, 2021

Veterans Need Colleges to Keep Some Pandemic-Driven Changes
The flexibility that colleges and universities introduced during the pandemic provided an unexpected benefit for student veterans that shouldn’t be thrown out if and when the world can go back to normal, write Warrior-Scholar Project CEO Ryan Pavel and Amy Bernard of the Bush Institute.
September 27, 2021

Virtual Learning Can Be a Gateway to Increasing Equity in Higher Education
Much remains uncertain about what the fall 2021 semester will bring, but it’s increasingly obvious that expanded online offerings will be a welcome development—both now and for many years to come. Read more from Joseph I. Castro, chancellor of The California State University.
September 8, 2021