Topic: access & success


Richmond Joins Effort to Recruit, Graduate More Lower-income Students

The University of Richmond is among the growing number of ACE member institutions participating in the American Talent Initiative, a program dedicated to substantially expanding opportunity and access for low- and moderate-income students. President Ronald Crutcher discusses the importance of committing to the ATI.

January 13, 2017

Morgan State University Paving the Way for Adult Learners Through CPL

Research shows that adult learners are more likely to enroll in, persist in and complete postsecondary education programs when institutions recognize students’ previous experiences and grant credit for prior learning. With a boost from ACE’s Center for Education, Attainment and Innovation’s College and University Partnerships, Morgan State University, the largest historically black college and university in Maryland, is doing just that.

December 12, 2016

Access, Accessibility: The Future of Technology on Campus

In higher education, we tend to think of “access” in terms of a very specific set of issues. Predominantly, we use the term to talk about how low-income students or students from underrepresented groups enter higher education. But increasingly, there’s another kind of access that is drawing the attention of policymakers: access to postsecondary education for students with disabilities.

November 9, 2016

Hamline University Equipping First Generation Students With Services and Support

Asking for help can be daunting on a college campus—just ask any first-year student. But for those who are the first in their family to attend college and may lack the built-in familial support systems that other students might have, it may be hard to even identify who to ask. A new program at Hamline University is making it easier to know where to turn.

October 31, 2016

Discovering Hidden Barriers to Community College Enrollment and Success

When students apply to a community college, they expect enrollment to be a clear, orderly process. Unfortunately, for far too many students, it feels more like a maze, full of unknown steps, unfamiliar terminology and unexpected delays.
David Bevevino of the Education Advisory Board looks at how community college student onboarding is like a game of Chutes and Ladders—and what institutions can do to change it.

October 24, 2016

Wayne State University Taps Local Students for M.D. Talent

With the unique duality of being a top tier research institution in a socioeconomically diverse urban environment, Wayne State University believes it has the ability and the obligation to give back to its community. So WSU has tapped into a pool of underserved yet bright and promising Detroit high school scholars with its recently launched Wayne Med-Direct program.

October 24, 2016