Southern Utah University Program Saves Time & Tuition
Southern Utah University is hoping to save its students time and tuition spent on general education requirements through a specialized new program called Jumpstart GE. The program will launch this fall with an initial cohort of 50 freshmen, who will register for the same 17 credits per semester, cutting general education requirements down to one year instead of the typical two.
June 17, 2015
UMass Attracts Community College Honors Students With New Scholarship
The University of Massachusetts Amherst has launched a new scholarship program designed to encourage top students from the commonwealth’s community colleges to finish their bachelor’s degrees. The scholarship will expand on the work of MassTransfer, an initiative to encourage students to take advantage of community college’s lower costs before completing their degrees at UMass.
June 10, 2015
Credit for Prior Learning: Why All the Controversy?
Does the acceptance of prior learning actually lead to less or more revenue for colleges and universities? We don’t know yet, because no one has really researched the impact on institutions’ bottom lines. This research, while not easy, is necessary, writes Deborah Seymour.
June 17, 2014
A MOOC by Any Other Name? An Online Course
“I’d aspired to give people a profound education—to teach them something substantial…but the data was at odds with this idea,” declared Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Silicon Valley MOOC platform Udacity in a recent Fast Company article. But if you have been tracking Thrun’s work over the past year, you will see his statement as nothing terribly new, writes Cathy Sandeen.
November 25, 2013
The Emerging World of Alternative Credentials
Digital badges. Verified certificates. Alternative credentials. More and more people are finding new ways—outside of traditional postsecondary degree programs—to show employers they possess the skills and knowledge needed for a constantly changing workplace, writes Cathy Sandeen.
October 1, 2013