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College Promise Programs: Designing Programs to Achieve the Promise
Promise programs have the potential to increase higher education attainment and close persisting gaps, write Laura Perna & Elaine Leigh. But success depends on how the programs are structured, implemented and sustained.
Boosting Veterans’ Enrollment at Top Colleges: “No Cap for Your Potential, No Ceiling for Your Success”
Few veterans see attending highly selective private universities as a realistic option. But as Vassar freshman-to-be and veteran Logan Ragsdale writes, there are a multitude of organizations filled with people who have succeeded in making the transition to civilian life and postsecondary education that can help make it happen.
Community College of Denver Uses Digital Storytelling to Improve Student Outcomes
Combining ancient narrative practices with new and emerging technological tools, digital storytelling emphasizes skills in writing, digital media production and design, and also helps students to develop both their personal and academic voice. But beyond these uses, the Community College of Denver has found the technique can be employed as something more: a tool for overall student engagement and retention.
The Power of the ACE Fellows Program: Preparing Leaders to Serve
Sherri Lind Hughes, a former ACE Fellows Program participant and now director, writes about the power of the program to prepare leaders in higher education.
Postcard From the AAC&U Annual Meeting: Global Learning at Emerson College
Central to Emerson’s internationalization plan is a set of global learning outcomes, which have been integrated into a broader set of learning outcomes that address Emerson’s core educational mission. All students benefit from global learning opportunities, and student learning remains at the heart of the institution’s internationalization efforts.
Women’s March on Washington: Where Do We Go From Here?
California State University, San Marcos, President Karen Haynes on the implications of the women’s march and higher education.
Aligning Demographic Shifts and College Participation: Increasing Latino Degree Attainment
Delma Ramos and Morgan Taylor look at the importance of increasing attainment for Latino students, the largest minority group and the second largest racial/ethnic group in the country.