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Internationalization in a New Political Climate: Culture Shock and Adaptation
Although 2017 has been a year of frustrations and challenges for campuses in terms of internationalization, ACE’s Robin Matross Helms reports that many in the field are now feeling a greater sense of stability and confidence about moving forward.
Diversity Among Higher Education Admission Professionals Is More Important Than Ever
As the high school population in the United States grows increasingly diverse, so too should those professionals who work on college campuses. Diversity is especially critical in college and university admission offices, write David Hawkins and Tara Nicola of the National Association for College Admission Counseling.
Looking Ahead to Diversifying the College Presidency
Despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that set a clearer path for women and minorities pursuing top leadership positions in both the public and private sectors, they remain underrepresented—including in higher education. A new data tool linked to ACE’s American College President Study 2017 helps explain what it will take for the presidency to reach gender and racial parity.
The Sky Is Falling . . . or Is It? New Data and Reflections on International Student Enrollment
Despite highly publicized concerns that interest in the United States among international students is in decline, actual international student numbers may in fact be holding fairly steady. Lucia Brajkovic and Robin Helms of ACE’s Center for International and Global Engagement look at what the future might hold.