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Helping College Students Make Informed Student Loan Decisions
Recent surveys demonstrate that many college students do not know whether they have borrowed or how much debt they have accrued during college. What can higher education institutions—and the federal government—do to help?
Providing Transparency to the Title IX Process
ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle writes that the Department of Education’s effort to replace legally binding but unclear guidance with legally binding and clear regulations will hopefully result in greater protections for all students.
Second-Wave Competency-Based Education: A Focus on Quality
The second CBE wave—more grounded and focused on quality than the first—is underway, and resources to support development of high-quality programs include the University of Wisconsin Flexible Option case study.
A Closer Look at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
With the increase in Latinx students enrolling in postsecondary education and the subsequent increase in the number of HSIs, these institutions should remain at the top of all policy priority agendas, write Gina Garcia and Morgan Taylor.
Building Momentum: Lessons Learned and Success Strategies of the Utah State Women’s Network
As in much of the country, Utah is a place where pay equity and leadership opportunities for women have been exceptionally poor. However, the Utah Women in Higher Education Network has helped begin to turn this around on college and university campuses across the state. Jessica Egbert describes UWHEN’s approach.
University of California Campuses Unite To Connect First-Generation Faculty, Students
Across the University of California (UC) system, 42 percent of undergraduate students are the first in their family to attend college. To better serve this large and growing “first-gen” population and help build their sense of belonging on campus, UC has launched a system-wide First-Generation Faculty effort to connect these students with faculty mentors who have walked in their shoes.