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Intercultural and International: Student Leadership Exchanges at VCUQatar
Valerie Jeremijenko, assistant dean for Student Affairs for Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUQatar), discusses developing women’s leadership programing in the Middle East.
Gender Identity and Global Assignments: Lessons From My Time in Korea
Drawing on her time as chief operating officer of George Mason University Korea, Gbemi Disu shares how to effectively lead an international institution.
Bridging Administration and Academics: Engaging Students in Campus Planning
ACE’s Robin M. Helms interviews Caroline Neal, a graduate student at Old Dominion University (ODU) and coordinator of ACE’s Internationalization Lab at ODU.
AANAPISIs: Ensuring Success for Asian American and Pacific Islander Students
Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions play a unique role in ensuring success for a complex, heterogeneous, and quickly growing population of students, according to Dina C. Maramba of Claremont Graduate University.