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Free Expression on Campus: Presidents Respond to 2018 Knight-Gallup Survey of College Students
The Knight Foundation has released an updated version of its survey on how college students see the First Amendment—and what they think about the relationship between inclusion and free expression. Seven college presidents and chancellors respond to the results.
Guns on Campus: An Unfolding Public Health Crisis
President Emeritus Leo Lambert of Elon University writes that it will take courage, moral leadership, and political will to solve the crisis of gun violence at colleges and universities and K-12 schools.
Drexel University Initiative Helps Families in Poverty Break Barriers to Savings and Employment
Drexel serves its surrounding community through the Building Wealth and Health Network, which helps families on welfare develop financial empowerment and build savings, while addressing the traumas and that accompany poverty. Founded by Drexel University professor and expert on hunger Mariana Chilton, the Network serves caregivers of young children, mostly women, who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).