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The Rise of Mental Health on College Campuses: Protecting the Emotional Health of Our Nation’s College Students

Nance Roy, chief clinical officer of the Jed Foundation, provides action steps to support emotional well-being and reduce suicide and substance abuse for college students.

December 17, 2018

ACE at 100: Supporting College Access and Diversity

Achieving equitable access to college for communities of color and recognizing and protecting institutional autonomy and freedom to construct a diverse campus that generates educational benefits for its students have been critical goals for ACE throughout its history.

December 12, 2018

Defining and Practicing Deep Civility on College Campuses

Dialogue around the future of open expression on campuses requires us to think beyond surface expressions of civility. The University of Missouri’s Ashley Woodson looks at the idea of deep civility, which demands radically empathetic regard for others in shared spaces.

December 10, 2018

Northwestern University Expands Native American Initiatives

New fellowship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research relevant to Native American communities and organizations is the latest result of Northwestern University’s (IL) efforts to address and rectify the historical mistreatment of Native Americans.

December 3, 2018

Women’s Colleges Hold the Key to Our Future

Women’s colleges have been grabbing headlines in a year dominated by the politics of #metoo and the 2018 midterms, which saw more than 100 women elected to the House. But along with gender equity, these institutions must also prioritize diversity, John Marx and Elizabeth Hillman write.

November 29, 2018