Robin Helms
Robin Helms is the vice president for membership and educational services at the Association of Community College Trustees. She was formerly the assistant vice president for programs and global initiatives at the American Council on Education.
Learn more about Robin HelmsPosts by Robin Helms

The Changing Landscape of Partnerships in International Education
COVID-19 has undoubtedly altered the higher education internationalization landscape, most significantly in the prioritization of lasting, high-value partnerships. Gone are the days of signing memoranda of understanding for the sake of ceremony, and here to stay are meaningful and sustainable partnerships—for both parties—many with a focus on student mobility.

Journey to 1,000 Surveys
We’re just about to the end of data collection for the Mapping Internationalization survey, and we need your help for one last push.

Can Internationalization Survive Coronavirus? You Need to See My Data.
Coronavirus has been a blow to study abroad and foreign exchange. But as Robin Helms explains, the most powerful lever for international education is not moving people back and forth. It’s what’s happening on our own campuses.

Bridging Administration and Academics: Engaging Students in Campus Planning
ACE’s Robin M. Helms interviews Caroline Neal, a graduate student at Old Dominion University (ODU) and coordinator of ACE’s Internationalization Lab at ODU.

Internationalization in a New Political Climate: Culture Shock and Adaptation
Although 2017 has been a year of frustrations and challenges for campuses in terms of internationalization, ACE’s Robin Matross Helms reports that many in the field are now feeling a greater sense of stability and confidence about moving forward.

The Sky Is Falling . . . or Is It? New Data and Reflections on International Student Enrollment
Despite highly publicized concerns that interest in the United States among international students is in decline, actual international student numbers may in fact be holding fairly steady. Lucia Brajkovic and Robin Helms of ACE’s Center for International and Global Engagement look at what the future might hold.

Postcard From the AAC&U Annual Meeting: Global Learning at Emerson College
Central to Emerson’s internationalization plan is a set of global learning outcomes, which have been integrated into a broader set of learning outcomes that address Emerson’s core educational mission. All students benefit from global learning opportunities, and student learning remains at the heart of the institution’s internationalization efforts.