Hollie M. Chessman
Hollie M. Chessman is director and principle program officer for the Education Futures Lab at the American Council on Education.
Learn more about Hollie M. ChessmanPosts by Hollie M. Chessman

Disability and Higher Education: Insights for Campus Administrators
Colleges are shifting to better support students with disabilities, especially as Gen Z brings new perspectives post-COVID. Kara Seidel and Hollie Chessman discuss how institutions can foster more inclusive campuses by recognizing the unique challenges students face—and offer practical tips for making a real difference.

Effective Strategies for Combating Faculty Burnout
Burnout is often seen as a personal problem, akin to managing stress. But it’s a workplace problem—which means colleges and universities can play an active role in remedying it.

College Student Mental Health and Well-Being: A Survey of Presidents
To better understand how campuses are navigating the challenge of student mental health and well-being, ACE conducted a survey of 400 college and university presidents at the end of April. Read what they had to say.

ACE2019: What Low-Income Students Want College and University Leaders to Know
Four college students who are members of the Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America Scholar community spoke to a room of college and university leaders Sunday at ACE2019 about what low-income students want these leaders to know.

ACE2019: An Examination of Food Insecurity in Higher Education
Panelists from Hope Center for College, Harvard University, and Bon Appetit Management Company asked audience members at the ACE2019 session “When Students Are Hungry: An Examination of Food Insecurity in Higher Education” to consider how the problem plays out on their campus.

ACE2019: Designing Strategies to Support the Mental Health of Students
Campus leadership plays a key role in helping move the needle on long-term, long-lasting systemic change that will serve all students on campus.

President and CEO of Ms. Foundation Addresses ACE Women’s Leadership Dinner
Teresa C. Younger addressed a crowd of 220 higher education leaders at the ACE Women’s Leadership Dinner Saturday night, stressing the importance of “being the kind of woman.”

ACE2018: The Forgotten Students—The Completion Crisis in Higher Education
There are 31 million Americans with some college and no degree. People leave college for a variety of reasons. What ReUp, a company specializing in helping students complete their degrees, has discovered is that it rarely has to do with academics

Racial Climate on Campus: A Survey of College Presidents
ACE’s Center for Policy Research and Strategy fielded its first national Pulse Point anonymous online survey of college and university presidents in January 2016 to better understand their experiences, perceptions and (re)actions on the timely issue of campus racial climate. Lorelle Espinosa, Hollie Chessman and Lindsay Wayt look at the results.

What Are Students Demanding?
ACE’s Hollie Chessman and Lindsay Wayt analyze the demands from student organizers across 76 higher education institutions and coalitions. This post is the first in a series sparked by recent student protests and the national dialogue on diversity and inclusion.