From Our Members
HBCUs Investing in STEM Careers
Several HBCUS are getting an extra boost encouraging careers in STEM fields thanks to a unique new partnership with Google. Designed to diversify the STEM workforce and bring students out west to the hubs of innovation in Silicon Valley, Google software engineers spend the semester on a campus to mentor and teach students and advise the institutions on the curriculum.
Institutions Honored With Presidential Award for Community Service
In honor of the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, we wanted to highlight several of the many institutions who were chosen for the 2014 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Honor Roll distinction is given to higher education institutions that sustain strong community service programs and promote the importance of campus community partnerships.

TAMUS and GMU Focus on Veterans’ Success
In commemoration of Veterans Day, we wanted to share with you two ACE member institutions that have initiated innovative programs and services to help student veterans succeed: The Texas A&M University System and George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.
Delaware Universities Waiving Fees During College Application Month
From now until Nov. 21 all of Delaware’s higher education institutions are waiving application fees as part of the state’s College Application Month Campaign. Delaware’s campaign is part of the American College Application Campaign® (ACAC), a national initiative that seeks to increase the number of first-generation and low-income students who pursue postsecondary education.
Widener University Using Coffee to Support Sustainable Agriculture
Inside Higher Ed has a great look at a unique partnership between Widener University and a Costa Rican farm that helps support sustainable agriculture in Latin America and gives Widener students a caffeine jolt. Cultivation to Cup is the idea of a local PA coffee roaster and a Widener professor.
DC Universities Partnering to Go Solar
American University and George Washington University recently signed a pact to power significant portions of their campuses with solar power by 2020. Together, the universities purchased solar power at a fixed rate for the next 5 years.