From Our Members


Institutions Using Required Reading to Forge Campus Connections

As colleges and universities gear up for the fall semester, many students are likely scrambling to finish one last task: summer reading. Many schools require incoming freshman, and sometimes the entire student body, to read one book in order to create academic and other connections across the campus community. Here’s what several of our member institutions are reading for this fall.

August 26, 2015

Sinclair Community College Making Strides Toward Completion

Over the past 15 years, Sinclair Community College has committed to increasing completion rates and improving student success. Through a series of campus-wide initiatives, including making student orientation mandatory, workforce connections, K-12 partnerships, and streamlining student support services, Sinclair has increased its 5-year graduation by 75 percent since 1999.

August 12, 2015

Perennial Plants Take Root at Iowa State

Iowa State University is at the forefront of agricultural research, investing in innovative projects that will improve the future of sustainability, both in Iowa and across the globe. One such project is the study of giant perennial grasses like miscanthus, which can be used to create biomass, prevent soil erosion and protect water quality.

August 3, 2015

Drake University Unveils Congressional Files on ADA’s 25th Anniversary

Twenty-five years after the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law, Drake University and its Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement released never-before-seen congressional files and materials on the legislation. The photos, memos, and other documents are from the collection of former Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), author and chief sponsor of the landmark bill.

July 29, 2015

Southern Utah University Program Saves Time & Tuition

Southern Utah University is hoping to save its students time and tuition spent on general education requirements through a specialized new program called Jumpstart GE. The program will launch this fall with an initial cohort of 50 freshmen, who will register for the same 17 credits per semester, cutting general education requirements down to one year instead of the typical two.

June 17, 2015

UMass Attracts Community College Honors Students With New Scholarship

The University of Massachusetts Amherst has launched a new scholarship program designed to encourage top students from the commonwealth’s community colleges to finish their bachelor’s degrees. The scholarship will expand on the work of MassTransfer, an initiative to encourage students to take advantage of community college’s lower costs before completing their degrees at UMass.

June 10, 2015