From Our Members


Tuskegee University Hosts International Institute on Rural Public Policy

Tuskegee University (AL) this year hosted the International Comparative Rural Policy Studies Summer Institute, which brings together students, faculty, and professionals from around the world and across many disciplines to study and exchange ideas on rural policy.

August 8, 2018

West Chester University Opens Doors to Students With Intellectual Disabilities

West Chester University (PA) is launching a pilot program this fall for students with intellectual disabilities to pursue a full college experience. The Real Achievement Matters (RAM) initiative will provide the opportunity for students to learn, live, and interact with others on campus, while supporting and accommodating their needs.

July 17, 2018

HMDP Closing Ceremony

ASU Connects to Hispanic Students Through Mother-Daughter Program

Arizona State University created the Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program, an early-outreach program for middle and high school students, in 1984 knowing that one of the best ways to encourage young Latinas and other first-generation students to pursue college was to involve the family.

June 25, 2018

UNC Chapel Hill Professor Uses Inclusive Teaching to Make Class More Fair

A University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill professor redesigned her class to help close achievement gaps between minority students and white students as well as first-generation students and continuing-generation students. Her method, inclusive teaching, was recently featured by The Chronicle of Higher Education and is taking off among her Chapel Hill colleagues and beyond.

June 11, 2018

ACE Member Institutions Participate in Mental Health Fresh Check Day

ACE member institutions make up many of the 150 colleges and universities participating in Fresh Check Day, a program designed to promote student mental health through an atmosphere of campus support.

May 21, 2018

Five New England Colleges Open Solar Plant to Offset Energy Use

Five ACE member institutions in New England are teaming up to build a solar power facility to help offset their use of electricity. Amherst College, Hampshire College, Smith College, and Williams College in Massachusetts and Bowdoin College in Maine will build the plant and purchase zero-carbon electricity from it when it is completed.

May 7, 2018

Virginia State University Embarks on Plan to Increase Campus LGBT Inclusion

Virginia State University, a historically black land-grant university in Petersburg, Virginia, this year committed to a diversity initiative geared toward creating a more inclusive campus atmosphere for LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and faculty.

April 18, 2018

Southern New Hampshire University, Other Institutions Commit to Helping DACA Students Afford College

Southern New Hampshire University is one of the latest higher education institutions to dedicate resources toward helping undocumented students, by promising to provide 1,000 students protected under DACA with full scholarships to pursue bachelor’s or associate’s degrees over the next five years.

April 4, 2018

Drexel University Initiative Helps Families in Poverty Break Barriers to Savings and Employment

Drexel serves its surrounding community through the Building Wealth and Health Network, which helps families on welfare develop financial empowerment and build savings, while addressing the traumas and that accompany poverty. Founded by Drexel University professor and expert on hunger Mariana Chilton, the Network serves caregivers of young children, mostly women, who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).

March 21, 2018

Salem State University Shrinks Graduation Gap for Latino Students

Salem State University has made it a priority to increase the chances of success for their Latino students, a demographic particularly at risk of not finishing their degrees. Recently recognized by The Education Trust as one of the top-ten performing institutions in this endeavor, Salem State has used a variety of approaches to provide an environment of support and close the achievement gap.

February 28, 2018

CUNY Black Male Initiative Partners With Birthright Africa to Connect Students to Their Heritage

The CUNY Black Male Initiative (BMI), among its many programs that support underrepresented students, has cosponsored a trip with Birthright Africa for students to explore their cultural roots and meet other members of the African diaspora.

February 12, 2018

University of Georgia Alumni Launch 1961 Club to Support Undergraduate Student Scholarships

Members of University of Georgia’s Alumni Association have launched the 1961 Club, a giving campaign to support the institution’s Black Alumni Scholarship Fund, which provides need-based scholarships to freshman students dedicated to advancing racial equality.

February 1, 2018