
The Evolving Nature of the College Presidency
While rewarding, being a college president has always been hard work. Today, environmental and industry pressures have converged to make leading an institution more complex than ever before. Jonathan Gagliardi looks at ACE’s recent report, the American College President Study 2017, and the future of the presidency in the 21st century.

Moving Away From Data Invisibility at Tribal Colleges and Universities
The invisibility of Native American perspectives—those of Native students, researchers and their communities—continues to plague higher education, despite numerous calls for action from educational advocates across the country. Christine Nelson of the University of Denver considers what can be done to solve this problem.

Intercultural and International: Student Leadership Exchanges at VCUQatar
Valerie Jeremijenko, assistant dean for Student Affairs for Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar (VCUQatar), discusses developing women’s leadership programing in the Middle East.

Gender Identity and Global Assignments: Lessons From My Time in Korea
Drawing on her time as chief operating officer of George Mason University Korea, Gbemi Disu shares how to effectively lead an international institution.

Bridging Administration and Academics: Engaging Students in Campus Planning
ACE’s Robin M. Helms interviews Caroline Neal, a graduate student at Old Dominion University (ODU) and coordinator of ACE’s Internationalization Lab at ODU.

A Winning Recipe for Successful Internationalization Worldwide
Going forward, the United States needs a broad, coordinated set of well-funded initiatives that support the comprehensive internationalization of U.S. higher education, writes ACE’s Lucia Brajkovic.

How Predominantly Black Institutions Help Low-Income, First-Generation African American Students Succeed
Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs) are not well understood in the higher education lexicon, despite serving a large number of students of color: namely, a large number of black or African American students. Robert T. Palmer and Jared Avery of Howard University look at the role of PBIs in facilitating access and success for low-income, first-generation students of color.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Fostering Familial Learning Environments for Student Success
By embracing expansive ideas of success, HBCU leaders inspire their students to strive beyond degree completion and understand how collaboration, civic engagement, and entrepreneurship are essential attributes in a new knowledge economy and global citizenry.

Helping College Students Make Informed Student Loan Decisions
Recent surveys demonstrate that many college students do not know whether they have borrowed or how much debt they have accrued during college. What can higher education institutions—and the federal government—do to help?

Providing Transparency to the Title IX Process
ACE Senior Vice President Terry Hartle writes that the Department of Education’s effort to replace legally binding but unclear guidance with legally binding and clear regulations will hopefully result in greater protections for all students.

Second-Wave Competency-Based Education: A Focus on Quality
The second CBE wave—more grounded and focused on quality than the first—is underway, and resources to support development of high-quality programs include the University of Wisconsin Flexible Option case study.

A Closer Look at Hispanic-Serving Institutions
With the increase in Latinx students enrolling in postsecondary education and the subsequent increase in the number of HSIs, these institutions should remain at the top of all policy priority agendas, write Gina Garcia and Morgan Taylor.