Author: Laurie Arnston

Where Are the Women in STEM?

From decades of widely reported and debated research, we know that women have been enrolling in and graduating from college in greater numbers than men since the 1980s. But there is one area where the increased presence of women is notably missing—the so-called STEM fields: with the greatest disparities occurring in the important fields of engineering and computer science.

Going International

For many United States colleges and universities, increasing international student enrollment has become a strategic priority. Such students often pay full tuition, and amid state funding and other cutbacks, admissions offices are increasingly reaching across national borders in their recruiting campaigns. But that’s not the only reason to go international, writes Robin Matross Helms.

Institutions Honored With Presidential Award for Community Service

In honor of the upcoming Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service, we wanted to highlight several of the many institutions who were chosen for the 2014 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Honor Roll distinction is given to higher education institutions that sustain strong community service programs and promote the importance of campus community partnerships.

TAMUS and GMU Focus on Veterans’ Success

In commemoration of Veterans Day, we wanted to share with you two ACE member institutions that have initiated innovative programs and services to help student veterans succeed: The Texas A&M University System and George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.