Author: Laurie Arnston

Southern Utah University Program Saves Time & Tuition

Southern Utah University is hoping to save its students time and tuition spent on general education requirements through a specialized new program called Jumpstart GE. The program will launch this fall with an initial cohort of 50 freshmen, who will register for the same 17 credits per semester, cutting general education requirements down to one year instead of the typical two.

UMass Attracts Community College Honors Students With New Scholarship

The University of Massachusetts Amherst has launched a new scholarship program designed to encourage top students from the commonwealth’s community colleges to finish their bachelor’s degrees. The scholarship will expand on the work of MassTransfer, an initiative to encourage students to take advantage of community college’s lower costs before completing their degrees at UMass.

Mapping New Pathways for Native Youth

While 208,838 American Indian and Alaska Native students were enrolled in college in 2012—a 17 percent increase from 2004—46 percent are first-generation and low-income, a population that often struggles with college completion. As the White House gears up for the first Tribal Youth Gathering, Christine Nelson looks at efforts to expand higher education opportunities for these students.

HBCUs Investing in STEM Careers

Several HBCUS are getting an extra boost encouraging careers in STEM fields thanks to a unique new partnership with Google. Designed to diversify the STEM workforce and bring students out west to the hubs of innovation in Silicon Valley, Google software engineers spend the semester on a campus to mentor and teach students and advise the institutions on the curriculum.

Opening Cuba and the World to Webster University Students

On Dec. 17, 2014, President Obama announced that he was restoring full diplomatic relations with Cuba, a historic decision that is ending over 50 years of frozen relations. Higher education has been one of the main beneficiaries of these early efforts. Beth Stroble, president of Webster University in Missouri, explores the future for continued cooperation between U.S. and Cuban institutions.

Q&A: Cari Vanderkar Moore on ACE’s Institute for Leading Internationalization

Each year, ACE offers the Institute for Leading Internationalization, a professional development experience designed for campus leaders who have a critical role in advancing internationalization on their campuses. Cari Vanderkar Moore, director of the Cal Poly International Center, discusses her experience attending the Institute.