Author: Laurie Arnston

ISU President Steven Leath: Prioritize Agricultural Research

By 2050, the world population is projected to increase by roughly one third, creating one of the greatest conundrums in history: How to produce as much food in the next 35 years as we have produced in the previous several thousand. Iowa State President Steven Leath writes about his institution’s role in addressing this challenge, and the need to make agricultural research a national priority.

Drake University Unveils Congressional Files on ADA’s 25th Anniversary

Twenty-five years after the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law, Drake University and its Harkin Institute for Public Policy and Citizen Engagement released never-before-seen congressional files and materials on the legislation. The photos, memos, and other documents are from the collection of former Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), author and chief sponsor of the landmark bill.

FAFSA Simplification: Harder Than It Seems

Making it easy for students and families to apply for federal student aid is a little like the Holy Grail—universally sought for its extraordinary value, but never found. And the search likely will intensify as Congress works to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, writes Terry Hartle. At issue is the FAFSA, the form that students and families must fill out to get federal student aid.

Fighting Food Insecurity on Campus

College and university administrators and leaders around the country increasingly are realizing that undergraduate students are among the millions of Americans who experience food insecurity, or a lack of resources to obtain nutritional food. Chris Nellum looks at what we can do about the problem, which has grown significantly in the years since the Great Recession.

DMU President Angela Franklin: An Unconventional Journey

Higher education leaders from around the country gathered last week in Arlington, Virginia to discuss the progress of ACE’s Moving the Needle initiative, which is working toward the goal of women holding 50 percent of college and university presidencies by 2030. In this post, Des Moines University President Angela Franklin talks about the importance of women leaders sharing their personal stories.