Author: Laurie Arnston

University of Memphis Program Helps Students Cross the Finish Line

Many colleges and universities across the country are looking for effective ways to boost completion rates and help the millions nontraditional students who have some college credit but no degree. The University of Memphis Finish Line Program is an example of one initiative that has seen success with its efforts to reach out to students who have “stopped out,” abandoning their dreams of a college education.

BRIDGE-ing Internationalization and Multicultural Education at Johnson & Wales University

In keeping with Johnson & Wales University’s mission of encouraging cross-cultural engagement to prepare students for the global workforce and civic life, JWU leaders undertook a strategic plan in 2012 that incorporated recommendations from ACE’s At Home in the World: initiative. Shelley Stephenson and Loren Intolubbe-Chmil discuss an innovative international program at an innovative institution.

“Am I overreacting?” Understanding and Combating Microaggressions

Many people of color, women, LGBTQ and other “minoritized” groups on college and university campuses experience microaggressions on a regular basis. We can no longer merely work toward multiculturalism and inclusivity, but rather we must address the larger systemic issues that allow racial microaggressions to flourish on campus.

Individual Acts of Inclusivity Have the Greatest Impact

There has been a great deal of energy expended on diversifying the faculty on college campuses in recent years, and the discussion has ramped up lately with the focus on student protests and demands for a more inclusive campus climate. ACE’s Kim Bobby discusses effective processes for building and retaining a diverse faculty—and how true inclusivity takes individual self-reflection and action.

Colombia: Peace, Equity, Education

With Colombia’s annual GDP growth of 4.8 percent between 2010 and 2014 and the final elements of the peace process falling into place, the dust of turmoil is settling—which will have an impact on higher education partnerships with the country.  Heather Ward reports on her recent trip to Bogotá to assess how to strengthen collaboration between U.S. and Colombian institutions.