Author: Laurie Arnston

Waiting for the Dominoes to Fall

Uncertainty reigns in Washington, DC these days. The surprise election of Donald Trump and the resulting one-party control of the legislative and executive branches makes substantial changes in federal policy over the next two years nearly inevitable. Jon Fansmith looks at what this could mean for federal financial aid.

Undergraduate Degree Earners Report, 2015-16

A recent report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center uses student-level data to examine differences between students earning their first postsecondary credential and those who went back to school to earn additional undergraduate credentials.

Community College of Denver Uses Digital Storytelling to Improve Student Outcomes

Combining ancient narrative practices with new and emerging technological tools, digital storytelling emphasizes skills in writing, digital media production and design, and also helps students to develop both their personal and academic voice. But beyond these uses, the Community College of Denver has found the technique can be employed as something more: a tool for overall student engagement and retention.

Entity Magazine Explores the Higher Education Presidential Gender Gap

A recent piece in Entity Magazine asks an important question: Why is the number of female university presidents still so low? Through interviews with ACE President Molly Corbett Broad and others, the piece explores some of the reasons why women have struggled to ascend to the top higher education leadership position.

Postcard From the AAC&U Annual Meeting: Global Learning at Emerson College

Central to Emerson’s internationalization plan is a set of global learning outcomes, which have been integrated into a broader set of learning outcomes that address Emerson’s core educational mission. All students benefit from global learning opportunities, and student learning remains at the heart of the institution’s internationalization efforts.