Author: Laurie Arnston

Stop Counting and Start Courting: The Role of a Chief Diversity Officer

Nicole Roach, chief diversity officer at Webster University, writes that you can spend as much money as you want to recruit a more diverse student body and faculty. But if your institution does not practice inclusion at all levels, they will eventually leave for an institution that does.

Big Data on Campus

As drivers of social mobility, economic growth, and community development, U.S. colleges and universities have long been regarded as among the best in the world. However, some stakeholders have begun to question whether that will remain true in the future. Can the better use of data help?

The AGB Guardians Initiative: Engaging the Public on the Value of Higher Education

College and university trustees—often focused on their fiduciary responsibilities and the success of their own institutions—traditionally have not been engaged in the national discourse about the enduring contributions of higher education to the advancement of both individuals and our nation as a whole. The AGB Guardians Initiative aims to change that narrative.

Foster Care Youth and Postsecondary Education: The Long Road Ahead

Between 20,000 and 25,000 young adults age out of foster care each year. While they face a wide range of challenges, a college education is as important to them as it is to other young adults. Amy Dworsky of the University of Chicago looks at the challenges they face.

The Time Is Now for Congress to Protect Dreamers

There is bipartisan support in Congress for legislation providing permanent protection for Dreamers and for passing such a measure by the end of the year. Contact Congress now to make your voice heard on this vital issue.

Serving Post-traditional Learners

What do we know about post-traditional learners, and how can we better help them earn the higher education credentials they need to succeed? Jonathan Gagliardi and Louis Soares on the results of a new ACE report, The Post-traditional Learners Manifesto Revisited.

Faces of Dreamers: Santiago Tobar Potes, Columbia University

Dreamer Santiago Tobar Potes says after he arrived in the United States at age four, he watched television news to learn English. Now in his second year at Columbia University (NY), Potes writes in Civic Nation Voice on that the opportunity to study and gain a quality education “is the greatest gift I have ever received.”

The Evolving Nature of the College Presidency

While rewarding, being a college president has always been hard work. Today, environmental and industry pressures have converged to make leading an institution more complex than ever before. Jonathan Gagliardi looks at ACE’s recent report, the American College President Study 2017, and the future of the presidency in the 21st century.