Annelle Primm of The Steve Fund discusses the need for the higher education community to institute policies and procedures to support the mental health and emotional well-being of students of color. This post is the first in a series on college student mental health and well-being.
Author: Laurie Arnston
To A Degree Podcast Looks at Achieving Equity in Higher Education
ACE’s Lorelle Espinosa joined a panel discussion to discuss “Achieving Equity in Higher Ed” in a new episode of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “To A Degree” podcast.
Free Expression on Campus: Presidents Respond to 2018 Knight-Gallup Survey of College Students
The Knight Foundation has released an updated version of its survey on how college students see the First Amendment—and what they think about the relationship between inclusion and free expression. Seven college presidents and chancellors respond to the results.
ACE at 100: Commemoration Through Art
In 1993, ACE approached Jacob Lawrence to use his work, University, to commemorate our 75th anniversary. To continue this tradition of recognizing historic milestones through art, ACE commissioned a sculpture last year in honor of our 100th anniversary, from artist Therman Statom. Statom works primarily in glass out of his studio in Omaha, Nebraska, and has deep roots in the support of education at all levels.
To A Degree Podcast Explores Presidential Leadership in Challenging Times
In this episode of To A Degree, guests Ted Mitchell. Margaret Spellings, and Ángel Cabrera discuss higher education issues including demographic changes, demands for greater accountability, diminishing resources, and declining public support.
Guns on Campus: An Unfolding Public Health Crisis
President Emeritus Leo Lambert of Elon University writes that it will take courage, moral leadership, and political will to solve the crisis of gun violence at colleges and universities and K-12 schools.
Presidential Perspectives on the Opportunities and Challenges of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Diversity, equity and inclusion were the focus of the March 8 NADOHE/ACE Joint Session, “Addressing Challenges and Opportunities of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in U.S. Higher Education: The Role of College and University Chancellors/Presidents in Today’s Colleges and Universities.”
ACE2018: Addressing College Student Health and Well-Being
At the session “Addressing College Student Health and Well-Being: What Senior Leaders Need to Know,” five panelists discussed the biology, sociology, and history behind mental health on campuses.
Video: Dealing With the Historical Injustice of Slavery on Today’s College Campuses
Ruth Simmons, former president of Brown University, and Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia discuss how the legacy of slavery impacts the modern-day fulfillment of higher education’s mission.
Video: Free Speech on Campus—What Students Think and How We Respond
Panelists at the closing plenary of ACE2018 unpacked the findings of a new report on student beliefs and attitudes on the First Amendment and discussed what they mean for campuses.
ACE2018: How Data, Collaboration, and Partnership Drove Enrollment Gains at Wyoming
ACE2018: Federal Relations Update
ACE’s Terry Hartle updated ACE2018 attendees on the current state of the relationship between the federal government and the higher education community on Monday.