Author: Laurie Arnston

A Comparison of Education Worldwide: OECD’s Education at a Glance 2018 Report

The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development has released its Education at a Glance 2018 report, which discusses educational indicators ranging from early childhood to doctoral education. In the realm of higher education, the report covers topics related to attainment, access, institutional expenditures, and workforce development, among others.

Report Examines Outcomes of Hispanic-Serving Institution Graduates

The report, produced by Excelencia in Education in partnership with Strada Education Network and Gallup, analyzes interviews with 14,320 college graduates who received their degrees between 2000 and 2017 from 12 Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) participating in the Excelencia in Action (E-Action) network.

New Guide Helps Colleges Choose a Predictive Analytics Vendor

Especially for institutions that lack the resources to develop their own tools, partnering with vendors experienced in analytics is a common way to gain access to the tools and services necessary to optimize the use of data. However, there are a number of factors to consider when selecting a vendor, according to a recent report from New America.

New Report Looks at Undocumented Student Resource Centers Across the Country

With support from the UndocuScholars Project at University of California at Los Angeles, a new study examines undocumented student resource centers in the United States. The research brief discusses major findings, common resources offered by USRCs, and the implications these resource centers have on policy, staff, and institutions as a whole.

College and University Presidents Paving the Way to a Successful Women’s Network

Presidential sponsors are vital to the long-term strategy and success of the ACE Women’s Network, which is composed of state networks that work on a local level to support women in higher education. Nicole Stokes DuPass of Holy Family University writes about how these sponsors helped revitalize the Women’s Network in Pennsylvania.

The 2015 University of Missouri Protests and Their Lessons for Higher Education

In an effort to capture the experiences and lessons from the 2015 University of Missouri student protests, Ben Trachtenberg of the university’s School of Law has published the first scholarly article on the events, “The 2015 University of Missouri Protests and their Lessons for Higher Education Policy and Administration.”

MSIs Are a Viable Path up the Economic Ladder

New data show that minority serving institutions are transforming the lives and income mobility of students of color and students from low-income backgrounds—in many cases, at rates exceeding that of non-MSIs.

Enhancing the Quality of the International Student Experience

What can colleges and universities do to counteract the message that the United States is no longer a welcoming environment for international students and scholars? Some institutions are finding success in thinking more holistically about the entire international student experience, from initial contact through alumni status.