Author: Laurie Arnston

HSIs Are Narrowing Racial Gaps for Latinx Students

Hispanic student enrollment in higher education has doubled in the last decade. Where are these students going, what do they need, and how do Hispanic-serving Institutions (HSIs) fit into the equation? On Episode 03 of dotEDU, John Aguilar of the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities and our hosts explore those issues and more.

Lifting Up Men of Color in Higher Ed

In the latest episode of dotEDU, Victor Saenz talks about his work as part of the Project MALES (Mentoring to Achieve Latino Educational Success) Student Fellows Mentoring Program at the University of Texas at Austin – a research and mentoring project focused on learning about and supporting Latino men in the Central Texas community.

Closing the College Success Gap for Low-income Students

Listen to the inaugural episode of dotEDU, ACE’s new podcast. Co-hosts Jon Fansmith and Lorelle Espinosa talk with Jim McCorkell about College Possible’s flagship initiative—an intensive curriculum of coaching and support to help low-income students enroll in college—as well as the newer Catalyze Program, which supports student persistence and success directly on college campuses.

Career Pathways: Navigating Job Changes of PhD Degree Holders

A recent brief by the Council of Graduate Schools (CGS) examines the career pathways of PhD degree holders. According to the findings, many PhD holders change jobs early in their career, with some changes happening as they move into mid-career.