Author: Laurie Arnston

Developing Deans and Chairs as Leaders

Chief academic officers Kathy E. Johnson and Mary K. Boyd write that the key to transforming the academic enterprise is cultivating a team of capable leaders committed to aligning their program or school with the institution’s mission and priorities.

Do Neighborhoods Matter for College Graduation?

A recent article in Sociology of Education examines how living in a disadvantaged neighborhood affects college graduation, highlighting variations across different racial and ethnic and socioeconomic groups.

Recent Trends in Student Loan Debt

A report published by TICAS documents recent trends in student loan debt based on data from students who graduated from public and private nonprofit four-year colleges in 2018.

Are More Colleges Closing? (Spoiler Alert: Probably Not)

There is no doubt that colleges and universities in demographically challenged states are facing serious headwinds. Yet, stories suggesting that colleges are closing more frequently than they did before don’t withstand a careful examination of the data.