Author: Laurie Arnston

Recent Data Show Increase in College Completion Rates

The 10th report in the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center Completing College series offers insights about college completion rates for students who graduated high school and started college in 2015.

Trauma-informed Colleges Begin With Trauma-informed Leaders

As higher education institutions move into the post-pandemic era, those with trauma-informed leaders will be better positioned to meet new challenges in creative ways while promoting safe and healthy campus communities, writes Appalachian State’s Jason Lynch.

What Campus Data Tell Us About Student Mental Health and COVID-19

Recent stories have warned of a “mental health tsunami” and a “mental health crisis on campuses” as over the past two years, students and campus communities worked to master the new normal of masking, vaccines, and social distancing in a global pandemic. As we look toward the future, what should campuses do about the mental health of students?