Author: ACE

The College Presidential Search and Equity-Minded Principles

ACE has partnered with the TIAA Institute through the American College President Study on a new report that identifies five equity-minded principles for conducting presidential searches. The report explores key steps of the typical search process and connects equity-minded principles to each step with the goal of changing the protocols, practices, and norms that form the pathway to the college presidency.

How Professional Learning Can Affect Equity

Every Learner Everywhere has released a new report in tandem with Achieving the Dream and the Online Learning Consortium that provides insight into four key questions about the use of professional learning to serve racially minoritized and poverty-affected students.

New Report Highlights Black Students’ Experiences and Challenges in Completing a College Degree or Certificate

Of all racial and ethnic identity groups in the U.S. student population, Black students are the least likely to complete a degree or certificate program within six years, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center (2022). In response, Gallup and the Lumina Foundation developed a report on the systemic and institutional challenges Black students face in their pursuit of higher education.

Closing Persistence Gaps for Part-time Students

Students aged 25 and above or who identify as Black, Indigenous, or Latino are more likely to pursue college part-time and are disproportionally affected by inequitable institutional policies. In its new report on closing persistence gaps, Complete College America highlights the following statistics:

The Gen Z Workforce: Addressing Mental Health and Well-being

The Mary Christie Institute, in partnership with the Healthy Minds Network, the American Association of Colleges and Universities, and the National Association for Colleges and Employers, have released a new report that provides insight into the mental health and well-being of the new Generation Z workforce. The report draws attention to how the work environment changed because of COVID-19 for this particular age group, and the resulting increase in mental distress.

The Impact of COVID-19 Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress passed three pieces of legislation that granted a total of $76 million to the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF). The Department of Education recently released a report detailing how this money was spent as well as the impact these funds had on student success and helping colleges and universities stay financially afloat.

Capacity Building for Shared Equity Leadership

Capacity building for shared equity leadership is an ongoing investment meant to support and develop a repertoire of knowledge, skills, and dispositions to collectively lead equity-minded change efforts.

Streamlining the Transfer of Credit Process

Highly mobile students (students who experience multiple entries or withdrawal points at one or multiple institutions) face degree completion barriers regarding the transfer and acceptance of credentials due to inconsistent institutional and state policies, according to a new report from Ithaka S+R.