Author: ACE

West Chester University Opens Doors to Students With Intellectual Disabilities

West Chester University (PA) is launching a pilot program this fall for students with intellectual disabilities to pursue a full college experience. The Real Achievement Matters (RAM) initiative will provide the opportunity for students to learn, live, and interact with others on campus, while supporting and accommodating their needs.

ASU Connects to Hispanic Students Through Mother-Daughter Program

Arizona State University created the Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program, an early-outreach program for middle and high school students, in 1984 knowing that one of the best ways to encourage young Latinas and other first-generation students to pursue college was to involve the family.

UNC Chapel Hill Professor Uses Inclusive Teaching to Make Class More Fair

A University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill professor redesigned her class to help close achievement gaps between minority students and white students as well as first-generation students and continuing-generation students. Her method, inclusive teaching, was recently featured by The Chronicle of Higher Education and is taking off among her Chapel Hill colleagues and beyond.

ACE at 100: Advocating for Women in Higher Education

Throughout its history, ACE has worked to support the inclusion of women in all aspects of higher education. From advocating women’s right to work in the 1920s to creating a pipeline to higher education leadership positions in recent years, ACE has spearheaded a number of initiatives focused on women and their success.

STEM Climate for Students with Disabilities

More students with disabilities of all types are enrolling in postsecondary education institutions than ever before. Yet fewer of them persist to graduation relative to their peers without disabilities, and still fewer graduate with science, technology, engineering, or mathematics degrees. Rachel Friedensen, postdocotoral research associate at Iowa State University, examines this dilemma.

A Motivational Framework for Instructional Equity in Higher Education

What would it take to achieve high levels of postsecondary student learning across all cultural groups and different levels of academic preparation? Margery Ginsberg proposes a “motivational framework” to redress persistent disparities in learning and completion among historically underserved learners.

ACE at 100: Serving Those Who Serve Through the GI Bill

ACE has played a key role in responding to the educational needs of military members and veterans, perhaps most significantly by working closely with the federal government on two GI Bills—the original implemented after World War II, and an updated version in the aftermath of 9/11.

Five New England Colleges Open Solar Plant to Offset Energy Use

Five ACE member institutions in New England are teaming up to build a solar power facility to help offset their use of electricity. Amherst College, Hampshire College, Smith College, and Williams College in Massachusetts and Bowdoin College in Maine will build the plant and purchase zero-carbon electricity from it when it is completed.