The State Higher Education Executive Officers Association recently released their annual State Higher Education Finance report for fiscal year 2017. It found that for the first time, public institutions in most states depend on tuition over appropriations.
Author: ACE
AIR Releases Report on Using Data and Analytics for Student Success
AIR released a report, in partnership with NASPA and EDUCAUSE, examining the role of data and analytics in higher education, specifically capturing their use in increasing student success.
Virginia State University Embarks on Plan to Increase Campus LGBT Inclusion
Virginia State University, a historically black land-grant university in Petersburg, Virginia, this year committed to a diversity initiative geared toward creating a more inclusive campus atmosphere for LGBTQIA+ students, staff, and faculty.
University of Texas Online Tool Presents Data on Student Outcomes
The University of Texas System, in conjunction with the U.S. Census Bureau, has developed a first-of-its-kind, user-friendly tool called seekUT to present up-to-date student outcomes data across the system’s institutions and their varying programs.
The Delphi Award for Faculty Models That Support Student Success
The Delphi Project on the Changing Faculty and Student Success has announced the inaugural Delphi Award, which is designed to recognize campuses that have made changes to their policies and practices for college instruction, particularly for the non-tenure-track faculty. One 2-year and one 4-year institution will be chosen each year for the $15,000 award. The submission deadline is June 1, 2018.
NACUA Webinar to Shed Light on 403(b) Retirement Plan Litigation
In light of recent litigation involving 403(b) retirement plans offered at higher education institutions, the National Association of College and University Attorneys will present a webinar April 12 from noon-1 p.m. on “Higher Education Retirement Plans: Update on Litigation and Risk Mitigation Considerations.”
Southern New Hampshire University, Other Institutions Commit to Helping DACA Students Afford College
Southern New Hampshire University is one of the latest higher education institutions to dedicate resources toward helping undocumented students, by promising to provide 1,000 students protected under DACA with full scholarships to pursue bachelor’s or associate’s degrees over the next five years.
NCES Survey Looks at Credentials Held by Adults Without College Degrees
In an effort to capture the credentials attained by adults who have not earned a postsecondary degree, the National Center for Education Statistics conducted the Adult Training and Education Survey focused on subbaccalaureate certifications, trainings, licenses, and other non-degree credentialing attained by adults no longer enrolled in high school.
Faces of Dreamers: Josh Boloña and Karen Caudillo, University of Central Florida
Two candidates for student government president at the University of Central Florida were Dreamers: engineering student Josh Boloña and international relations major Karen Caudillo.
Knight Foundation Blog Series Addresses Campus Free Speech
The Knight Foundation has leveraged its space on the website Medium to promote a series of invited blog posts around the topic of free speech on campus, including posts written by undergraduate student body presidents, professors, and current and former university presidents.
Century Foundation Report Explores Future of Statewide College Promise Programs
A report released by the Century Foundation categorizes and investigates different choices in designing Promise programs in different states, along with challenges and opportunities created by each choice.
Drexel University Initiative Helps Families in Poverty Break Barriers to Savings and Employment
Drexel serves its surrounding community through the Building Wealth and Health Network, which helps families on welfare develop financial empowerment and build savings, while addressing the traumas and that accompany poverty. Founded by Drexel University professor and expert on hunger Mariana Chilton, the Network serves caregivers of young children, mostly women, who receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF).