Author: ACE

Study Examines Developmental Education Policies by State

A recent study conducted by the Education Commission of the States used a set of questions to identify state- and system-level policies that exist within each state that impact specific aspects of developmental education assessment and placement in postsecondary education.

NBER Paper Explores How Cost of Instruction Varies by Field of Study

A recent working paper titled “Why is Math Cheaper than English? Understanding Cost Differences in Higher Education” released by The National Bureau of Economic Research analyzes department-level data to explore how the costs of postsecondary instruction vary across different fields of study.

ACE at 100: Supporting College Access and Diversity

Achieving equitable access to college for communities of color and recognizing and protecting institutional autonomy and freedom to construct a diverse campus that generates educational benefits for its students have been critical goals for ACE throughout its history.

Northwestern University Expands Native American Initiatives

New fellowship opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students conducting research relevant to Native American communities and organizations is the latest result of Northwestern University’s (IL) efforts to address and rectify the historical mistreatment of Native Americans.