Reimagining Institutional Research and Effectiveness to Advance Racial Justice and Equity
Title: Accountability During Crisis: The Transformative Potential of Institutional Research and Effectiveness in the Struggle Toward Racial Justice
Authors: Kaylan Baxter
Source: Office of Community College Research and Leadership, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
A new brief from the Office of Community College Research and Leadership provides insight into the role that institutional research and institutional effectiveness can play in advancing racial equity on campuses.
The brief provides three recommendations for how leaders in these divisions can implement a race-conscious approach to their work:
- Data should be disaggregated by race in order to highlight the areas in which campuses can better serve students and reduce racial equity gaps.
- Qualitative data should be collected, analyzed, and disseminated in addition to quantitative data.
- “Practitioner researchers” should collaborate to interpret the data on the current “state of justice” on campus, which should then be reported to stakeholders.
The brief suggests institutional research and effectiveness leaders should reimagine their roles to combat anti-Blackness in postsecondary education.
Read full brief here.
—Ángel Gonzalez
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