How to Help Financially Vulnerable Students Succeed
Title: The Road Less Fragile: First Steps for Helping Financially Vulnerable Students Succeed
Source: The Institute for College Access & Success
The Institute for College Access & Success have published a new report that discusses the challenges faced by financially vulnerable students.
Among the key facts highlighted in the report:
- Six in ten undergraduate students work while enrolled.
- In 2015, 30 percent of college students’ households experienced an unexpected, large drop in income.
- A typical White household has enough liquid asserts to cover 31 days of income if necessary, compared with five and 12 days available to Black and Latino households, respectively.
- Nearly one million community college students lack access to federal student loans.
The report also suggests strategies for responding to these challenges, some of which include:
- Provide low- to moderate-dollar emergency grants.
- Directly provide resources like childcare and food banks.
- Reduce barriers to federal safety net programs by reforming student-specific eligibility exclusions.
- Further align federal financial aid with existing public benefit programs.
- Make federal student loans available to more students.
To read the full report, please visit the Institute for College Access & Success website.
—Georgiana Mihut
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