Strada and Gallup Survey Examines College Experiences Connected to Confidence in Job Success
Title: Six College Experiences Linked to Student Confidence on Jobs
Author: Steve Crabtree
Source: Strada Education Network and Gallup
A recent survey of 32,000 undergraduate students conducted by Strada Education Network and Gallup looks at how college experiences affect students’ confidence in their preparedness for the job market. The survey asked students questions specific to their experiential learning and student support opportunities they encountered during college.
Study findings show that students who strongly agree they encountered more experiential learning, such as internships and extracurricular activities, and student support opportunities were more likely to strongly agree that the skills and knowledge gained would lead them to job market success.
However, a number of students indicated they had encountered only one (23 percent) or no (26 percent) experiential learning or student support opportunities. Based on the survey’s findings, the author recommends using mentoring programs and encouraging faculty to engage with students in highly career-relevant conversations to enhance students’ sense of purpose and self-efficacy.
Click here to read more.
—Ben Schaap
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