Higher education leaders from around the country gathered last week in Arlington, Virginia to discuss the progress of ACE’s Moving the Needle initiative, which is working toward the goal of women holding 50 percent of college and university presidencies by 2030. In this post, Des Moines University President Angela Franklin talks about the importance of women leaders sharing their personal stories.
June 24, 2015
By 2050, the world population is projected to increase by roughly one third, creating one of the greatest conundrums in history: How to produce as much food in the next 35 years as we have produced in the previous several thousand. Iowa State President Steven Leath writes about his institution’s role in addressing this challenge, and the need to make agricultural research a national priority.
August 3, 2015
The term “social media” has entered that rare stratosphere of fame and recognition normally reserved for rock stars and presidents. Now, rock stars and presidents bow to the power of social media. Webster President Beth Stroble, an enthusiastic early adopter when it comes to communication technologies, reflects on what this means for higher education.
October 19, 2015